was a site built on a LAMP stack to price check weapon skins in the popular shooter game Team Fortress 2. PHP, MySQL, VPS Setup, UI/UX Built using Node and Express, trackerino is a site to track your packages from the four big US couriers. Node, Express, UI/UX, APIs
LiftTracker LiftTracker was a library for FRC teams to use in order to track vision targets on the game field. Most commonly used library during the season Java, OpenCV, Raspberry Pi, Tegra K1
Caniac Robot FRC code base that features an adaptive pure pursuit controller, motion profiling, multiple PID controllers, and custom built SmartDashboard. Java, Reflections, Automatic Systems, Python
Hawk Track Built for the HackKU hackathon, Hawk Track uses Python to track how many people are around a given area in order to see if the given area is busy. Python, HTML, CSS, Firebase, Raspberry Pi
Car Chrome Extension Built for a car dealership, this Chrome Extension aids car purchasers on eBay, Craigslist, AutoTrader, and to find the best deal. JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Site manipulation
Jeopardy Search Engine Built for the Capital One Summit, this site is a search engine for all Jeopardy questions with a live simulator Angular, Ruby on Rails, PostgresSQL In preperation for my internship @ Google, I built this site to practice GoLang and Kubernetes. This site is a URL shortner that supports multiple links with a high efficiency GoLang backend Angular, GoLang, GCP, Kubernetes
Spotify Quarantine Built using Angular, Spotify Quarantine is a site to let listeners generate a report for their top tracks during COVID Quarantine Angular, Spotify API, GitHub Pages
FlashDroid🔦 FlashDroid is the first open-source DDoS botnet for Android devices. Built for Mobile Security @ KU. Java, Angular, Firebase